Mr. Tanneran - "Hey Louden, you think you're overextending yourself on this Shute challenge?"
Louden - "Definitely."
Mr. Tanneran - "You know you have a tendency to do that."
Louden - "Sometimes you got to, remember? This is like one of them times."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wed, 7-21-10

0530, Pearland Y

15 x 225# deadlift
10 dead hang pullup
12 x 225# deadlift
20 kipping pullup
9 x 225# deadlift
10 dead hang pullup
6 x 225# deadlift
20 kipping pullup
3 x 225# deadlift
10 dead hang pullup

~14:40. Pullups much much harder than expected, really challenged grip strength. foam rolled, worked on calf and ankle to warm up.

1730, Pearland Y

3 rounds
50 meter walking lunge
50 meter broad jump
30 double unders

~12:30. Did this with BC crew as there were only three people in class. Stretched at end and did some planks as well.

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