Mr. Tanneran - "Hey Louden, you think you're overextending yourself on this Shute challenge?"
Louden - "Definitely."
Mr. Tanneran - "You know you have a tendency to do that."
Louden - "Sometimes you got to, remember? This is like one of them times."

Saturday, January 30, 2010


1045, garage

run 800
30 DBS, 65#
30 horizontal row
run 800
30 DBS, 65#
30 horizontal row
run 800

This one was cold and miserable. I was tired and completely unmotivated but knew if I did not get it done in the AM the day wouldn't allow. I as so happy when I was done. Ran 3:25, 3:45, 3:55 on 800s, pathetic, and had 2-4 breaks on all sets of the swings and rows. Hopefully will bounce back tomorrow.

Boys did GREAT in game!! B took two sots and just almost made both of them. A got TWO steals and played really good defense. He wanted to go straight to the Y after the game so he could play some more, but could not b/c they had games going on. They got to play with Kim's niece Avery which they loved. Went to church after. A has horrible allergies.

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