Mr. Tanneran - "Hey Louden, you think you're overextending yourself on this Shute challenge?"
Louden - "Definitely."
Mr. Tanneran - "You know you have a tendency to do that."
Louden - "Sometimes you got to, remember? This is like one of them times."

Saturday, January 30, 2010


1045, garage

run 800
30 DBS, 65#
30 horizontal row
run 800
30 DBS, 65#
30 horizontal row
run 800

This one was cold and miserable. I was tired and completely unmotivated but knew if I did not get it done in the AM the day wouldn't allow. I as so happy when I was done. Ran 3:25, 3:45, 3:55 on 800s, pathetic, and had 2-4 breaks on all sets of the swings and rows. Hopefully will bounce back tomorrow.

Boys did GREAT in game!! B took two sots and just almost made both of them. A got TWO steals and played really good defense. He wanted to go straight to the Y after the game so he could play some more, but could not b/c they had games going on. They got to play with Kim's niece Avery which they loved. Went to church after. A has horrible allergies.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fri, 1-29-10

1000, Pasadena Y




Finally able to get back after it, at Pasadena Y after dropping boys off at school. Squats felt pretty good, press better than expected.

Ran 1 mile at 6:00 pace

Older treadmill, felt shaky, fairly gassed at end

Took boys to chic filet, then to open savings account, then to bowl, then enjoyed dinner at Mom's - fish, yummy as usual. Cold front has blown in. Boys shot baskets at park for 15 minutes but then got too cold.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thur, 1-28-10


Everybody on the mend, at least so far, so hopefully back at it tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wed, 1-27-10

Rest again

B woke us up at 2:20AM, stomach bug. He is at home with Amy, hopefully just a 24 hour one

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tue, 1-26-10

Rest day

Might turn into days, fighting cold

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mon, 1-25-10

0545, Pearland Y

4 miles on treadmill at 9:00 mile pace

Nice and easy recovery run, made better by interesting documentary on the History Channel about the Alamo

Stretched and rolled after

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sun, 1-24-10

1530, Garage

3 rounds for time
50 double unders
50 supermans

I did this in the garage in order to stay out of the wind and that turned out to be a mistake. My rope is a little too long (that's what she said) so I kept scraping the garage door and light fixtures, totally ruined rhythm. Got no more than 30 straight DUs in any sequence. WOD called for back extensions but supermans are best I can do in the garage. Did not time but went as fast as possible.

Played with the boys a bit then did this one.

3 rounds for time
10 x 135# clean and jerk
30 situps

First round of CJ unbroken, 5 and 5 in second, 6 and 4 in third. All reps touch and go with full lock out overhead, but did not pause ovhd much if at all. Rested minimally on broken sets, maybe 5-7 deep breaths. Took quick sip of water after each set of CJ and then did all situps fast and unbroken.

Only so-so performance on two WODSthat I thought I would do well on. We were all just pooped today, boys and Amy from the Monster Truck rally and me from another wakeful night. Boys managed to have a good day though, played lots of games around house, did hwk, shot baskets at the Y for an hour.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sat, 1-23-10

1400, garage


HSPU on parallelete

another strength day, while playing with the boys outside. Deads felt ok, just need to keep chipping away. HSPUs felt very strong so pleased with that. No time for metcon again, will pick a nasty one for tomorrow to make up for last two days.

Amy took boys to the monster truck show and they were SO excited, they have been jumping off the walls all day.

Boys did great in their game. A made an awesome pass which led to a basket and B is making great progress in understanding the bigger picture, offense vs defense etc.

We read for about 25 minutes each prior to lunch, they continue to do very well with their reading, need to hit some math tomorrow.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fri, 1-22-10

0700, Post Oak YMCA

Squat clean

Front squat
9 / 4

Weighted pullup

Pretty decent day, cleans felt pretty solid as did pullups. forgot I had already done weighted pullups on Mon but oh well. Not enough time for metcon. Post Oak Y very spacious, enjoyed it.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - this evening B got out his radio, put on a CD with the black eyed peas, put his hat on sideways, built himself a little "turntable" and pretended to be a DJ. Where in the flip did that come from? too much TV or disney channel or something. My was pretty cute though!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thru, 1-21-10


unscheduled, stuck at work, was supposed to do power pump

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wed, 1-20-10

0550, Pearland Y

3 x mile repeats

Maintained seven minute pace for each three individual miles. Stretched and rolled for 3-5 minutes between miles 1/2 and 2/3. The temptation to slow down was pretty strong but I hung in there. Could have been worse I guess, legs a little dead from deads and squats last two days. Running sub 22:00 for a 5k is definitely a stretch goal which may have to move into 2011. It can probably be done but not without some more focused training.

Today is the 19th anniversary of the first date with my gorgeous wife. Went to Chili's and then to Deer Park soccer game to see Sean Rainer play and then to visit my brother b/c he was in town from college. Still remember what she was wearing. Anyways - I love you Babe!! Looking forward to the next 19!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tue, 1-19-10

0530, Pearland Y

Max kte
18 then 9


back squat

DB bench press

Squats felt great, best I have felt on the OHS, probably b/c I did it first and was fresh. Threw in some DB bench for heck of it, just running tomorrow. Stretched and rolled before metcon to recover a little.

Max rounds in 11 minutes
95# thruster x 5
95# hang clean x 7
95# SDHP x 10

I think I did 6 rounds. Very tough as I have not done many barbell based metcons lately. Killed grip. Only first round was all unbroken. Humbling.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Last few days

Fri, 1-15
rest, cold, wet, rainy, busy with work calls

Had a nice day with boys, took them for haircuts, etc. Spent an hour at the Y shooting baskets, they LOVED it

Sat, 1-16
5 rounds
run 400
25 situp
25 superman

did not time, but went fairly hard. Supposed to do GHD situps and extensions, need to get a GHD at some point. Did all situps fast and unbroken. Cold, a little drizzle.

Sun, 1-17

Amy and Heidi did great completing their first half marathon. Spent almost three hours at the YMCA with boys letting them shoot hoops. They went hard basically the whole time. Had to tear them away so we could get home for dinner. They are definitely into it which is neat to see.

Mon, 1-18
1x18, 1x17

Weighted pullup

The bar was just glued to the floor on the deads so I decided to not push it. Made a little progres on pullups, felt pretty good. Mixed in planks, l-sits, stretching and rolling while resting.

2 rounds
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
rest 3 minutes

First round was unbroken until midway on squats, did all the pullups in second round then chopped it up pretty good throughout, did not time rounds but probably between 4-5 minutes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thur, 1-14-10

0545, Pearland Y


Squat clean

Front squat

Weighted pullup

So so on cleans, disappointed did not get all 5 on 205, definitely possible. Front squats ok, did them at end so a bit worn down from cleans. Really at a sticking point on the pullups, progress slow.



20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats

only did one round as I was running out of time, pushups and situps felt horrible, way harder than they should have been for some reason.

A has terrible allergies, right eye looks pitiful.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wed, 1-13-10

Rest day

Took boys to school. Much warmer. They are looking fwd to having their little buddy over for play date after school and practice tonight.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tue, 1-12-10

0545, Pearland Y

21 pullups
18 pullups
15 pullups
12 pullups
9 pullups
6 pullups
3 pullups

~31 minutes. Pullups felt great, all unbroken and very strong throughout, maybe the weighted chins are paying off a little. HSPUs were tough - that is 84 total and it took a while, stretched and foam rolled while resting on those.

Then did the following real quickly

Run 800
30 back extension
30 incline situps
30 back extension
30 incline situps
30 back extension
30 incline situps

Did not time, just went as fast as I could. Ran the 800 in 3 minutes or maybe a little faster. Legs dead from the squats and d/l last two days.

Alex called on his way to school asking for a definition of the Bermuda Triangle. Will have to think of how to explain that in five year old. Guessing he got it from Scooby Doo or the like.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mon, 1-11-10

1100, garage


Ovhd squat

Back squat

Squeezed this in while on break from jury duty. Felt ok on 2nd and 3rd sets, did not warm up enough in general, but got it done.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sun, 1-10-10

1100, garage



HSPU on paralleletes

Did this quickly before going with Dad and boys to boat show. 300# was heavy, hard to go heavy in the cold it seems but felt pretty good in general. Hopefully HSPU work will help with press.

Spent 3 hours at the show, really like the campers - bunk beds were a hit.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sat, 1-9-10

Rest dsy.

Felt wonderful to lay in bed until 7:30. The boys did great in their first game, lots of running, think they were pooped after. Amy ran at YMCA - still pretty cold. Nice enough though for us to bundle up and be able to play outside for a couple of hours after the game. Boys enjoyed Casa Ole for dinner.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fri, 1-8-10

0545, Pearland Y

Row 1000M
Toes to bar
back extension

finished in 11:11, row went pretty smooth finished in 3:45, toes to bar just continue to be a major weakness. I am going to add these to weekly strength bias program and do 150% of max each week - do as many as I can unbroken, then take as many sets as needed to complete 50% of that max. Anyway they took way too long. Back extensions were fine all unbroken.

Stretched and rolled after. Was going to do another WOD but was just exhausted after horrible night's sleep. Ran 20 minutes on treadmill. Rest day tomorrow thank goodness.

Was 28F this morning, will be in low 20s next two mornings then warm back up.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wed, 1-6-10

0545, Pearland Y


5-5-4/1 squat clean

1x12 front squat

3x3 press

9/4 press

Cleans were good, only reason I did not do 5 unbroken on last set was due to grip strength. Almost didn't make it on last rep of front squat. Press is source of frustration, have lost lots of upper body pressing strength, need to stay after it. Did L-sits while resting, stretched and rolled after.

Boys did great at basketball practice, it was chaos but they practiced hard and had fun. A slept until 7:20, late for him.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wed, 1-6-10

0550, Pearland Y

4 mile recovery run

8:30 pace on treadmill, felt fine, burned some calories, stretched and foam rolled after. Expecting lows in 20s next three days.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tue, 1-5-10

0545, Pearland Y

Lumberjack 20
20 DL, 225# (rx'd was 275)
Run 400
20 DBS, 70#
Run 400
20 OHS, 115#
Run 400
20 burpees
Run 400
20 strict pullup (rx'd was chest to bar)
Run 400
20 box jump
Run 400
20 DB squat clean, 45#
Run 400

~37 minutes. A total tail kicker. The good news is that I ran all of the 400s at 6 minute mile pace on treadmill, had to fight the temptation to slow down really hard. Really gassed me for the last three. Could have done 275D on d/ls but was not really warm enough and did not want to risk the back. Swings were ok, and OHS was no problem. Broke burpees into two sets of 10, not too bad. Could not due CTB pullups b/c good pullup station was taken so subbed strict pullups. Box jumps ok. By the time I got to cleans I was wiped out and swearing to myself I would never do another CrossFit workout as long as I lived. Very glad when it was over.

Boys had great first day back at school. Got to bring favorite Santa toy for show and tell. Lots of new sight words and arithmetic to work on this month.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mon, 1-4-10

0545, Pearland Y


Ovhd Squat

Back Squat

Weighted pullup

Felt great on all sets of squats, slow but steady progress, forgot to do set of front squats. Kind of stuck on pullups, need to just keep plugging away. Mixed in planks and L-sits while resting. Stretched and worked hand stands after.

Boys first day back at school, hoping it goes well!!.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sun, 1-3-10

Jogged home from Blackhawk to house after bowling with Amy and boys, ~5K, ~27 minutes, slow but had to stop multiple times for traffic and uneven terrain.

Had fun today with boys, back to school tomorrow. They had a good time bowling and did really well.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sat, 1-2-10

Afternoon, garage


3/2, 4/1, 4/1


Squat clean
5, 3/2, 3/2

Not terrible, but cold in garage, bar very cold to hold. Had good first BB practice with boys, think they had fun, then played outside for almost three hours. We had a good time just being silly. Finally finished painting trim that Dad repaired.

Fri, 1-1-10

Took day off. Played games and stuff most of day, went to Tx Roadhouse with Lydes, enjoyed that very much, boys were very well behaved.

Thur, 12-31-09

Ran 3 miles


8:13 mile pace, not good

Felt awful, legs dead, cold and damp, not fun, tried to run fast but just not there

Took boys to see Princess and Frog and then to get a hamburger,had fun throwing confetti