Mr. Tanneran - "Hey Louden, you think you're overextending yourself on this Shute challenge?"
Louden - "Definitely."
Mr. Tanneran - "You know you have a tendency to do that."
Louden - "Sometimes you got to, remember? This is like one of them times."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tue, 6-29-10

0600, Pearland Y

row for calories
225# deadlift
lateral burpees

~13 minutes. I was totally cruising, then felt pretty good twinge in my calf on last burpee in first round. Slowed way down and switched to regular burpees. Will definitely need to do some real rehab on calf, will really limit any running and jumping for next 2-4 weeks and focus on getting it healthy.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mon, 6-28-10


Sun, 6-27-10

1400, backyard

All with 55# DB
15 x TGU rt
30 DBS
15 x 1 armed ovhd squat rt
30 DBS
15 x 1 armed ovhd squat lt
30 DBS
15 x TGU lt

~29. TGU were absolutely brutal, especially last set. Very hard to swing a 55# dumbbell.

Went to Mom's in PM to celebrate her b-day.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sat, 6-26-10

1400, Dow Park

Did version of Mary
5 hspu
10 pistols
6-10 pullups

went for 19 minutes, maybe 10 rounds or so. Hotter than hades. Did L and strict pullups b/c no place to kip. All hspu unbroken, felt very strong. Pistols tough, have lost some ground also on pullups, need to get after it.

Helped Julie and Will move in AM for ~4:30 hours. Enjoyed dinner at Casa w/ Lydes. boys pooped from trip to Woodville, A has horrible allergies.

Fri, 6-25-10

1700, garage

3 rounds
15 x 50# DB thruster
30 situps

5:42. Rx'd called for ghd situps which actually made thrusters harder because I banged regular situps out fast and unbroken. First two sets of thrusters unbroken, had to set DBs down on third set.


Pretty good day for me. I am still pathetic at deads but 315 came off the ground pretty well.

Mowed yard while doing the above and did lots of odds and sods in yard and garage right up until dusk.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thur, 6-24-10


Calf getting better slowly but surely. Stayed up late with Amy pulling wallpaper off guest bathroom, messy but actually not too bad.

Wed, 6-23-10

1400, garage



Good day. 230# is PR since this CF stuff started, good that I did it at end of workout. Wanted to do 3 on 220# but grip would not allow.

75 x 75# power snatch

~5:50. 5:30 is PR on that WOD but that was fresh. Grip killer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sat, 6-19-10

1100, garage

3 rounds
run 800
21 x 155# clean

Just under 30 minutes. Ran first 800 in 3:00, and kept pretty good pace on first set of cleans, basically 3 sets of 7. Finished first round in ~8 minutes. Then wheels came off. Brutally hot. Had to fight temptation to quit after second round. Bar was soaking wet and hard to hold. Cleans were actually fairly easy, but just got really tired and ran out of grip strength. Not fun at all.

Tue, 6-22-10

0615, garage

5 rounds
50' walking lunge with 45# bar ovhd
21 burpees

~14:15. Did all lunges unbroken, last 2-3 sets pretty slow. Avoided too many protracted breaks on the burpees. Ankle felt horrible to start but loosened up nicely. Calf is still very bothersome.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mon, 6-21-10

0545, Pearland Y

5 rounds
155# thruster x 5
35# weighted pullup x 5
55# weighted dip x 5
run 400

~26:30. My calf would only allow me to run the first 400, then did two 400M rows and two 60 secon sprints on stationary bike. Thrusters unbroken, heavy. First 3 rounds of pullups unbroken. Dips unbroken. Stretched quite a bit. Calf is really in a knot still.

Sun, 6-20-10


Fathers Day. Bummed around with the boys most of the day, also went to lunch at the Rileys. They got me a pitching machine, think that it will be lots of fun and we will get some use out of it. They were very sweet and cute "waking me up" in morning as usual.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fri, 6-18-10


Played a lot with boys in backyard and at the Y. Mowed yard in PM.

Boys goofing off at Y.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thur, 6-17-10

1830, Trinity Fitness

8 rounds
5 DL, 219#
15 medball situp
10 BJ, 22"
run 40M

12-13 minutes I think. Deads unbroken, felt relatively light but went pretty slow in order to protect back. Situps easy but it was very very hot on the floor of the garage, suffocating. BJs were all unbroken but really bothered my ankle. Run got pretty slow at the end. A tough WOD, made tougher by the heat. Very enjoyable.

Thanks to Randy and Amber for hosting me!! Great garage gym experience!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wed, 6-16-10

0545, Pearland y



Felt OK being first day back. I got stuck in the middle on 350 but was able to finish the rep. Stretched and rolled while resting.

10 rounds
5 dead hang pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

9:02. Did first six rounds of pullups unbroken and all pushups and squats unbroken. Felt ok but to be honest still very draggy from Disney.



Absolutely amazing time at Disney World. I think Amy and I enjoyed it more than the kids, and they had a total blast. It was so wonderful to be totally away and have time to focus completely on each other. I am so thanful for all of them, and am extremely grateful for the memories we will have from that trip. Makes me glow inside already just thinking about it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mon, 6-7-10

0550, Pearland Y

225# deadlift (Rx'd would have been 300# deadlift)
150# squat clean
2003 bench

Between 35 and 40 minutes, my watch stopped so not exactly sure how long it took. It was pretty brutal, a grip killer for sure, did not sleep well at all last night so not motivated whatsoever. I did most of deads unbroken, and when I had to drop weight it was b/c of grip. Broke all sets of cleans until sets of 4. Bench was no problem, all unbroken.

Next time I do it I will go for sub 30 minutes.

Boys at eye doctor today, hoping and praying they are not in glasses just yet but it is probably inevitable at some point.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sun, 6-6-10


Woodville for Gramma Aggies b-day. Hotter than hades but got to swim at Charlie and Linda's. Played baseball with boys, JJ, John, Amy and Ashley. That was very fun but we sweated like pigs. They are counting the seconds to get on the plane.

Sat, 6-5-10

1230, garage

For time
20 x shoulder to ovhd with 185#
40 burpees

Just under 9 minutes. 185# was very heavy. I did push presses on all 20 and that took about 6 minutes. I guess it could have gone faster had I decided to jerk the weight but that did not occurr to me. Did all the burpees unbroken, steady pace, took about 3 minutes or just under.

Rested then did following

Max rounds in 7 minutes
95# squat clean
20 situps

Did 5 rounds I think. Did all cleans unbroken. Could have done more rounds but heat definitely a factor.

Had a very nice time at JJ's graduation party. Boys played lots of Wii.

Fri, 6-4-10

1100, garage


Did this while mowing lawn, went pretty well but I was planning on going up to 315 and for whatever reason 310 was just glued to the floor. Oh well.

Also ran two 800s with full rest

3:01 was actually a good time b/c it was after having been outside for about 6 hours, mowing, washing car, playing with boys, etc.

Attended JJ's graduation, 922 graduates strong.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thur, 6-3-10

0600, Pearland Y

Squat Clean


Weighted dip

#3 on 215 was a struggle on cleans, but 225# was not too bad at all, that was previous PR. Wanted to do sets of six on dips but a little too heavy. Stretched a lot while resting.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wed, 6-2-10

0600, Pearland Y


Very solid day on squats. Notice knees caving in a little less when weight gets heavy. 340 was slow but definitely more in the tank.

Heavy Fran
135# thruster
strict pullup

5:48. Every set was broken, dissapointed on the pullups but my grip was just smoked for some reason.