Mr. Tanneran - "Hey Louden, you think you're overextending yourself on this Shute challenge?"
Louden - "Definitely."
Mr. Tanneran - "You know you have a tendency to do that."
Louden - "Sometimes you got to, remember? This is like one of them times."

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wed, 12-30-09

0545, Pearland Y


Back squat

Front squat

1-10-1-20 (12/8)-1-30(20/10)

Back squats went well. Should have finished front squat unbroken but did not allow for enough rest. Bench was OK but unsure what weight to use as have not benched much in some time and had never done this rep scheme. Way to easy on first two sets, then had to break up sets of 20 and 30. 275# was pretty easy to handle

Stretched and rolled after. Mixed in some planks and L-sits while resting during strength work.

Cold, rainy and nasty.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tue, 12-29-09

0530, Pearland Y

run 400M
21 strict pullups
run 400M
15 strict pullups
run 400m
9 strict pullups

~22 minutes. HSPUs were tougher than expected, had to really chop them up. Felt awful on pullups, varied grip but really had to chop them as well. Ran 400s in around 75 seconds.

Mon, 12-28-09

Jogged 2.5 miles in neighborhood after work, slow. Tired, first day back at work after 4 off.

Boys spent day with Halle, Peyton, Amy and Grammy. Putt-putt, lunch, trampoline, then charades at home. Seemed to have a good time.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sun, 12-27-09



all unbroken


felt pretty good, bumpers make a huge difference

Boys with Mimi and Pops as we cleaned out file cabinets and Amy's closet. A walks in and see our closet and says "Mom your closet rocks!!"

Sat, 12-26-09

5 rounds for time
15 x BW back squat
run 400m


200#, all sets of squats unbroken, very tough

Christmas Eve and Day

Rest, sugar induced coma.

The boys were just precious, so cute and excited throughout the whole experience. Really enjoyed the time with them this year. Bittersweet, hoping and praying we have one more year where they truly believe.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wed, 12-23-09

0600, Pearland Y

Ran 4 miles on treadmill

30:50, 7:43 pace. Felt fine. Overslept so not enough time to lift. Stretched and foam rolled after.

Amy wrapped boys gifts last night, they are counting the days!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tue, 12-22-09

0545, Pearland Y

Hodge podge of different things today

15 minutes on treadmill

9 minute pace, just loosening up


2 rounds
Row 500M
10 Turkish get up, 45#

Took about 12 minutes. Rowed 1:39, then 1:38 which was taxing. First time to do the TGUs - they were a muthr scratcher. Alternated between left and right arm.

Foam rolled

2 Rounds
15 box jump burpees
15 back extension
15 toes to bar

Took about 8 minutes. Burpees were fine as were extensions but slowed way down on toes to bar, grip felt weak.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mon, 12-21-09

0530, Pearland Y

Squat clean

front squat

Weighted pullup

Cleans better than expected after taking a few weeks off from heavy stuff. Pullups were very tough as I was hoping for 3x5.

15 push jerk, 95#
15 L-pullup
15 push jerk, 95#
15 L-pullup
15 push jerk, 95#

PJ easy enough, tried to focus on technique. Pullups very tough, all sets broken into 3-5 reps.

Sun, 12-20-09

Jogged 45 minutes

Picked Amy up at Race Track after her 12 miler then jogged home from Beamer to the house. Gorgeous weather and traffic was not too bad. Cannot find IPOD which is driving me crazy, made the run a bit slow but still enjoyed it.

McGinty Christmas was fun, boys really enjoyed their new remote control cars and got two huge lego sets - think I am more excited than they are. A is really fighting allergies, he looked like he had a black eye by the end of the evening. B combed his own hair prior to leaving the house, is he going to be our loverboy!?!? Enjoyed the boiled shrimp and Chili. Amy looked so pretty - jeans with purple t over black long sleeve shirt. I am a lucky dude.

Sat, 12-19-09

Rest Day

In Woodville for Christmas. Boys were great and got to stay over with Mimi and Pops. They got to ride 4 wheelers and play football. Alex still complaining of stomach pains from time to time.

Fri, 12-18-09

Garage, mid-day


65# dbs

First time to use bumpers for d/l, worked great, no more craters in front yard. Press went better than expected, but set of 12 was a real struggle.

3 rounds
15 x 135# clean
30 pushups

I think the cleans were meant to be squat cleans but did not have time for that so did power cleans after first set. Only got first set of pushups unbroken then had to really chop them up.

Beautiful sunny day, finally got outside to play with the boys. They are so excited about Christmast parties this wknd.

Thur, 12-17-09

Rest day

Rainy and cold, exhausted

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wed, 12-16-09

1730, Pearland Y

Taught Boot Camp, did a version of the Filthy Fifty - we did the Dirty 30

Box Jumps
High Pull
DB Swing, 40
Push press
Wall Ball
Jump Rope

We all finished in around 20 minutes. Fairly tough. I had to stop repeatedly to correct form errors or answer questions which gave me extra rest, but it was definitely hard to talk throughout.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tue, 12-15-09

0530, Pearland Y


Ovhd squat

Weighted pullup, neutral grip

Stretched and rolled while resting.

Squats went very well, pullups reasonably well - struggled with rep 5 on 2nd and 3rd sets but got it done. Shaky on the ovhd quat, have not done in a while. Will probably take me all year to get to goal of 15 x bodyweight - if I can even get there.

25 squat
25 pullup
25 pushup
25 situp
50 squat
50 pullup
50 pushup
50 squat

Set of 25s went very well, felt great on squats and got all the pullups unbroken. 50 squats was easier than anticipated, only two brief rests. Then the wheels came off. Totally ran out of gas. Was not close to puking but the thought entered my mind. Took me an hour and a half to feel "normal" again. See what happens tomorrow.

Boys are blowing me away with their reading. I just love that they can use context clues to decipher words they don't know. They are doing really well. Have got to discipline myself to introduce more Spanish into their homework.

Cold front coming in today, highs in low 50s.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mon, 12-14-09

Unscheduled rest day. "Slept in" until 6:15, horrible headache. Hopefully back at it tomorrow. Very foggy and damp.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sun, 12-13-09

Jingle Bell Kids run with Amy and boys.

They did great, run was between 3/4 and one mile. They both ran the whole way, and I ended up running with A and Amy ran with B. A took off like he was shot out of a cannon. He was pooped at the end but never stopped. B kept a steady pace the entire time. They seemed to enjoy the entire experience and were very happy to get their medal at the end. Weather was perfect.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sat, 12-12-09


Dad and I repaired rotted boards on front and side of house, also finally put up Christmas calendar.

Foggy and wet all day.

Amy ran 10.5 miles this AM. She had wrapped a few presents and put them under tree. Boys saw them when they woke up and ran into our bedroom, excited and confused. I told them they were just gifts Mommy had wrapped. So cute!! They just can't get enough of Christmas this year, loving the Elf on the Shelf. The last two days he has made a train set and been hiding in candy bowl. First thing they do in the morning is go hunting for him.

Fri, 12-11-09

0600, Clear Lake CF

perfect stretch (similar to samson stretch)
high knees
butt kicks

worked through portions of Burgener warm-up, including snatch balance, need to look this up on line to refresh my memory

5x5 snatch

was supposed to be 5x5 snatch but ended up 3x5, worked a lot on technique, kept weight low, last set was 115#. First time to snatch in over a year. Focus on moving bar in straight line, exploding once hands in pocket.

5 snatch, 95#
10 pushup
15 KBS, 44#

wiped out my lower back, very sore

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thur, 12-10-09

0600, Pearland Y

Ran 2 miles on treadmill at 8 minute pace

Stretch / foam roller

Ran 2 miles on treadmill at 8 minute pace

Cold morning, ~38F, actually wore sweater to work.

Boys counting the days until Xmas.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wed, 12-9-09

530PM, Pearland Y

Taught Bootcamp, 5 in attendance

3:30 jump rope plus stretching to warm up

throughout class did 3 sets of ~100yard walking lunge

3 rounds
10 box jump
10 squat thrust
rest 45 seconds

jumped over box, maybe 24-30", subbed squat thrust for burpee

Did planks and get up sit ups at end

Lunch with Mark Therrien, good to see him

Turning cold again.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tue, 12-8-09

0530, Pearland Y

135# squat clean
ring dip

10:18 which was a PR by :20. Felt pretty decent to start out, but quickly discovered legs to be dead as a result of 1/2 Murph yesterday so really had to push. Wiped me out pretty good for several minutes after, nice sweat angel on the floor.

DB bench
80# DBs

3 second concentric, stretched and rolled while resting.

JJ bowled first 300 yesterday, good for him.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Mon, 12-7-09

Took Sat and Sun off - Polar Express in Palestine on Sat, rainy, cold, and pooped out on Sun

Taking a week to unload from the heavy stuff so will just hit 4-5 metcon wods this week.

1/2 Murph
Ran 1 mile
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 squats
Ran 800m

Took me about 26 minutes. Very sleepy but actually felt ok on the mile, easily ran it just under 7 minutes. The rest was absolute misery. Could not have felt weaker. Would have taken me easily an hour to complete a full Murph. The second run is tough tough tough.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fri, 12-4-09


Ran 4 miles in midst of pretty strong snow flurry this afternoon to pick up Malibu from mechanic. About 38 minutes. Had to stop several times for traffic, etc. Pretty neat. Cold and feet got a little wet but enjoyed it.

Amy got the boys home early from school and we had a blast playing in the snow. Snow ball fight, made a snowman which they named Santa, they looked adorable all bundled up. They flipped when they got home from school and saw the back yard covered in snow.

Thur, 12-3-09

0530, Pearland YMCA


Front Squat

Weighted pullup

Not the strongest I have ever felt but got the work done. Stretched and rolled during rest intervals.

Max rounds in 13 minutes (all the time I had)
9 ring pushup
9 DB swing, 70#
9 toes to bar

Finished 5.5 rounds. Felt pretty good on pushups. Unbroken on all sets of swings, not as heavy as I imagined but very taxing. Only first set of toes to bar unbroken, I stink at these as always.

Went with boys on field trip to Xmas tree farm in Spring. Long drive but very fun. Weather perfect and kids seemed to enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wed, 12-2-09

Horrible nights sleep, couldn't make myself get out of bed, hopefully better rest tonight and back at it tomorrow.

Rainy cold night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tue, 12-1-09

0530, Pearland Y

Ran 5 miles on treadmill at 9:00 minute pace

Recovery day. Worked up a good sweat. Stretched and foam rolled after. Only negative was that the Y was a meat locker this AM, took a while to get warm.

Boys are really into the Elf on the Shelf. Yesterday Amy put it in the tissue box in the bathroom and left a note on the mirror written in lipstick. It was the first thing they asked about when they got up. Last night I built it a little house with their blocks right in front of the TV. Excited to hear their reaction.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Fri, 10-27 thru Mon, 10-30

Off day, pooped from trip to SA


felt pretty solid throughout though back still sore

mowed yard
hung up X-mas lights
washed Tahoe
about 4-5 hours of work


Last two reps of 315 were a big struggle but handled them without losing lumbar curve too badly

4 rounds
8 DB Swing, 65#
12 lateral burpees

Made this up and did not keep time, everything fine but lateral burpees ate my lunch

Squat clean
weighted pullup

225 is most since starting CF, maybe 5 more pounds in tank. 80# on pullup was a real struggle. Forgot to do set of front squats, no time for metcon.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thur, 11-26-09

Thanksgiving, still at Jeff's in San Antonio - great day, beautiful weather. Played outside all day with Halle, Peyton, and boys. Actually got a little sunburned. Amy and I enjoyed lots of tennis and basketball with the kids at the neighborhood rec center. Prior to lunch I ran for 50 minutes around Jeff's neighborhood - it was great. Lots of hills so did some sprints up the hills in the area. Stopped randomly for HS pushups, pushups, pistols, etc. Just basically ran around and moved - no plan or prescription - really hit the spot.

Lots to be thankful for today - Amy, boys, our families, our health, feel very lucky and blessed.

Wed, 11-25-09

In San Antonio, played lots of tennis and basketball with niece and nephew and the boys, lots of fun. Managed to eat well throughout the day, but put the hurt on some Alamo Cafe for dinner. Boys have had a blast playing at Jeff's new house, very nice place overlooking Hill Country just north of San Antonio.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tue, 11-24-09

0530, Pearland Y

5x3 weighted pullup
3-3-3-2-2 press
1x7, 1x5 press
70# dbs

a little off plan but did not want to squat or clean b/c back sore for some reason, pullups were tough but managed to get them all from complete dead hang, 170# still feels heavy but at least got three reps on a few sets, will keep plugging away - this is definitely a sticking point, b/c I am an idiot picked up one 75# and one 70# DB on first set of DB press

tabata squats
last set was 15

not much time so just knocked this one out real quick, this was pitiful, have lost lots of conditioning and muscular endurance since Oct but hopefully added strength work will pay off when I switch to more metcon focus in preparation for competition

San Antonio tomorrow and Thur then hopefully will be able to get some work done this wknd. Amy's knee no better.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wknd recap

busy wknd but enjoyed family time

lots of long slow distance as this was all we had time / resources for, Amy's knee acting up before and after run on Sunday

Fri, 11/20
Jogged with Amy 39 minutes, ran Clyde Abshier loop from my parent's house

Sat, 11/21
Jogged 40 minutes in neighborhood before leaving for wedding, misty and cold

Sun, 11/22
d/l 3x3

305 was last 1RM so definitely improving

Jogged 40 minutes around Deer Park prior to dinner with Riley's

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thur, 11-19-09

0530, Pearland Y

squat clean
front squat

Felt fairly strong but broke last two sets into set of 2 then single after brief rest. Weights getting heavier so technique (or lack thereof) will increasingly become a limitation

65# dbs

these were supposed to be sets of three but there was just no way, I kept weight at 170 rather than dropping to 165, very heavy.

spread out 50 toes to bar, stretching, foam rolling while resting

woke up late so no time for metcon, make up for it this wknd hopefully

Amy finally able to run again after fighting cold/allergies for at least a week, she has a 9 miler on saturday

looking fwd to 3 day wknd, thanksgiving feast tomorrow at boy's school

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wed, 11-18-09

Rest day

legs sore from squats which is surprising, may also be from SDHP

home late last night, can't wait to get home tonight to see the fam!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tue, 11-17-09

0530, Pearland Y


Weighted pullup, 55#

Squats were ok, struggled through first ten on 225# then regrouped and finished last 5 ok, on last two sets of pullups had to break into set of 2 and 1. Did some stretching and L-sits while resting.

7 x 45# weighted dip
21 x 95# sdhp
7 x 45# weighted dip
21 x 95# sdhp
7 x 45# weighted dip
21 x 95# sdhp
7 x 45# weighted dip

SDHP was tough as usual, killed my grip, all sets of dips unbroken with full ROM but felt heavy.

First real little cold snap has blown through.

Bowling tonight so will not get to see boys or Amy, bummed. Looking fwd to long overdue family picture tomorrow, hopefully my gorgeous wife and beatiful boys will not make me look like too much of a troll.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mon, 11-16-09

0700, neighborhood

jogged around neighborhood for 30 minutes
then did 3 1 minute front planks with stretching mixed in

great to sleep in and wake up next to the wifey on a Monday, got to take boys to school, they looked very cute in their tumblebus t-shirts, their teacher had a teepee set up in their classroom and their faces really lit up when they saw it.

mild front starting to blow in

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sun, 11-15-09

Just before lunch, garage


Max rounds in 12 minutes
12 x 65# power snatch
12 x pushup, feet elevated

d/l felt heavy but managed to do all unbroken. snatches were tough, rough on forearms, broken into two sets of six on after 3-4 rounds. pushups were fine. did not keep rounds

Amy at shower for Teri Zuteck so took boys to Battleship Texas. Very fun for all, loved crawling all over guns and up and down ladders. Nice cool day for it and rain held off. Mosquitos awful however.

Sat, 11-14-09

Ended up being a rest day. Amy gone all day at garage sale for Amy Griggs. Had a big day with boys. Took them to Casa Ole for lunch and then to Santa's Workshop at Outdoor World. Then to Rice vs Tulane. Stayed the whole game and they had a blast going up and down ramps and bleachers. We were also briefly on the "jumbo-tron." Met Kevin Walter, Texans WR. Had a great time. Rice won 28-20, their first W of the year. Very entertaining game.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fri, 11-13-09

Afternoon, garage

65# dbs

all sets unbroken, plenty of rest between sets while playing with boys in front yard. also played golf this AM with Doug Dolan at Sharpstown
- one birdie, 3 pars, 2 bogeys, at least three doubles, then fell off a cliff from there, beautiful weather, course in great shape

boys very tired, home late last night after going to see Megan in Music Man with Grammie

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thur, 11-12-09

AM, Pearland YMCA

3x3 Squat clean
1x12 FS

95# clean
back ext
sit up

good day on cleans and FS, the metcon wod was not that tough but did smoke the forearms, back a little sore, need to ice and roll in preparation for golf tomorrow

excited about spending wknd outdoors with Amy and boys

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wed, 11-11-09

Slept in today, just pooped, back at it tomorrow.

Boys were precious at Open House, really fun to see them interact with their little buddies.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tue, 11-10-09

Rest day

EXHAUSTED last night, have to start sleeping better and getting more rest, feeling run down but actually slept fairly well last night.

Read with boys last night and they nailed their sight words, still mixing up b, d, p but in general reading very well. Looking fwd to their Open House tonight.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mon, 11-9-09

0530 at Pearland Y

DB bench press
85# DBs

Weighted pullup

stretching and core work while resting

21 back ext
run 400M
18 BE
run 400
15 BE
run 400
12 BE
run 400
9 BE
run 400
6 BE
run 400
3 BE

ran at 6 min mile pace for first four 400s, 5:30 for 5th, 5:00 for 6th, thought was use the wkout more for imroving 5K time rather than absolute speed, feel nervous going much faster than that on treadmill

hard to roll out of bed, glad it is over, rest tomorrow

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sun, 11-8-09


Back squat

HSPU on parallelettes

good day on all lifts, very heavy d/l day so pleased about progress. Still trying to focus on good depth and keeping knees over feet in squats. mixed in the HSPUs during rest between sets.

Amy's WOD
5 rounds
10 pushup
10 db swing, 25#
run 400

Last t-ball game tonight for the boys, they did great and really enjoyed the experience. Could not be prouder, they are growing up WAY too fast........

Sat, 11-07-09

Rest day

Spent all day at Dewberry Farm west of Katy. A blast for us all. Boys loved everything especially zip line, which they wouldn't do last year. Nice weather.

Stayed up to watch all of UH vs Tulsa, great game.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fri, 11-6-09

squat clean
front squat

did these in back yard while boys playing on trampoline, could have been worse. Played with boys about an hour then

max rounds in 12 minutes
7 lateral burpees
10 ring pushups
15 double unders

made this one up, didn't keep rounds, just wanted heart rate up

Amy and I took boys to first half of friendswood vs la marque game, packed - we had to sit on La Marque side, boys ate popcorn, powerade, m&ms and pizza - they were in heaven

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thur, 11-5-09

only completed two on last set
1x8, 1x5
65# DBs

during rest did 5x20 sec l-sit, planks, stretched, and hit the foam roller

ran 800
tabata situp
ran 800

definitely need to refocus on upper body horizontal and vertical pushing, have lost some ground with so much emphasis on deads and pullups over last year. 800s were ok, broke through a little mental barrier, have the speed to go a little faster but will need to develop the wind

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wed, 11-4-09

5 rounds for time
3 x 95# snatch
15 x 95# ovhd squat
run 400


Did Nancy in 18:07 in July

tough one, still tired, got home late from bowling last night, felt great on all snatches, had trouble with ohs which surprised me but all unbroken, dogged it a bit on the run, interrupted by phone call from work, continue to have pain in front part of leg right below knee, sensitive to touch

perfect weather, took day off from work and took boys to school and then washed amy's car, mowed, trimmed bushes, other odds and sods.

worked with boys on reading and correctly writing digital time

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tue, 11-3-09

Scheduled rest day

Did not sleep well, imagine that, feel exhausted, not a good day for it as I have not a minute to spare at work. Will go bowl with John and Heidi tonight if I can get away on time.

Last night read the boys a Speed Racer story, no pictures, probably took us 10-15 minutes to read. It was so cool to see them get into the details of the story and I could just see their imaginations working as I read to them. They crashed early, B was out of bed at 0605 when I left, ready for a waffle and Johnie Test.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mon, 11-2-09

5-4-4 weighted pullup
stretched and foam roll during rest

then did a variety of gymnastics / metcon
tabata pushups - felt weak
ran 800 on treadmill at 5:55 mile pace
50 back extension
50 incline situp
tabata pullup - held one negative pullup as long as I could in each interval
25 back extension
30 incline sit up

tough to roll out of bed on cold Monday morning.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday, 11-1-09

Took over an hour to get this done, starting and stopping playing with boys and Avery and visting with neighbors. Gorgeous weather.

3x5 deadlift
1x15 deadlift

3x5 back squat
backed way off on weight, trying to focus on keeping knees tracking over feet, not caving in

HS pushups on paralletes
Did 3 on last set

Amy's WOD
Run 800

21 thrusters, 12# DBs
21 burpees
run 400
15 then 9 with a 400 after each

800 to cool down

Boys did very well in their t-ball game. A played third most of game and made some good stops and forced a couple of kids out at 3rd. B ran the bases hard thanks to his "turbo boost." He is so petrified about making a mistake (wonder where he gets that from) - he hit the ball clean across the yard this morning but is still hesitant to let it go during the games.

Anyway, they were all smiles once they realized Gatorade was part of the post game snack. Other favorite game today was playing with their new remote control helicopter, quite a neat little toy.

Just knew they would sleep late afterHalloween festvities but came in our room at 0615 requesting breakfast and television, what are you going to do.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Have participated in two CF competitions, and have been DNF twice. CF Houston Summer Challenge was a train wreck - not nearly strong enough on deads, heat was an absolute killer, and I was literally pale as a ghost I was so nervous. In way over my head, and did not help that the wkout was centered around one of my biggest weaknesses - the dreaded deadlift.

row for cals
225# d/l
lateral burpee

Recent CF Champions Oktoberfest Obliteration went better. Great weather and atmosphere, and I was in better shape and much less anxious. I had to repeat 7 reps due to less than perfect ROM. Had I not done that feel pretty confident I would have been middle to back of pack. All in all it was a very fun day and a great learning experience - got to spend morning with my best girl and met some really nice people. And breakfast at Taco Cabana after with Amy and Tracy Lev REALLY hit the spot. Anyway, hopefully one of these days I will at least finish one of the WODs in competition. Lots to work on...................

run 400
15 thruster, 135#
row 500m
15 squat clean, 155#
200 jump rope
15 squat clean, 155#
row 500m
15 thruster, 135#
run 400

Sat, 10-31-09

Absolutely beautiful Halloween afternoon

squat cleans

front squat

run 800 3:20
25 situp
30 pistols alternating l/r
run 800 3:05

felt ok on cleans, lawn so littered with acorns made footing a little unstable, a little aggravated with myself for not getting under 3:00 on the 800s but could have been worse.

played "flag football" with boys between sets of cleans which consisted of me chasing boys across lawn in an attempt to pull plastic golf club tucked in the back of their shirts, the boys jointly invented the rules. Decorated their truck for Halloween after light, it was lit up like a Xmas tree.

Boys did very well earlier in day reading and counting, 1-100, counting by tens going very well, doing well on 1-20 in spanish

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fri, 10-30-09

Plan was to squat clean but front yard too soggy from rain so just ran 40 minutes around neighborhood. Jogging even one day a week tougher and tougher on knees and back.

Played with boys in front after school. Favorite game today was boys standing under tree with umbrellas as I threw Nerf FB into the tree to knock leaves and acorns on them. Loved it.

Went to Deer Park vs Pearland at Clyde Abshier. Oilers won 27-7. Cool night. Sat with Blairs first half and Morton's second.

Amy running 8 miles tomorrow early AM with Heidi.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thur, 10-29-09

Middle of week three of CF strength bias program. Schedule varies but hitting deads, squat clean, back squat, press, weighted pullup one day per week. Adding 2-3 short met-cons on strength days (5-12 minutes) and leaving one day for a longer metcon (20min) and one day for some type of run - anything from LSD to some type of repeat. Also working L-sits and planks on run days.

AM at Pearland Y
typical warm-up then

60# dbs
hit foam roller and stretched during rest intervals

then did this chipper, ~23 minutes
25 lunge
20 DH pullup (awful, felt weak, varied grip)
20 box jump
20 double under
25 bar dip (forgot rings in car)
20 toes to bar
30 KBS, 70# (heavy, broke into three sets)
30 situp
30 hanq squat clean, 35# dbs
25 BE
30 WB (15# med ball)
500M row

as usual did not sleep well so felt really tired throughout, good news is that finished very strong on the WB and rowed ~1:45 which is not bad considering I was gassed and just felt a little weak today. The main site called for rope climbs at end but not an option for me so subbed row.

tonight - stretch a bit, more foam roll, ice back

Wed, 10-28-09

First post

My first ever wkout at a CF affiliate. Went to 0600 class at Clear Lake CrossFit, run by Ben Kauffman. 5 others in attendance. Very much enjoyed it, nice break from going it alone. Look fwd to going back for a WOD once every month or two

warm up if I recall correctly
2 rounds
10 pushup
10 situp
10 KBS
10 box jump

also did some of my typical warm up stuff, had a couple of pretty stable hand stands in parking lot prior to the wkout, felt solid

Ben led group through some prep work for the WOD using PVC
Frankenstein squats - never done them before
OVHD squats
various phases of snatch from the high hang

WOD was Randy
75 power snatch for time, 75#

my first time to do this one if I am not mistaken, felt pretty good, did not sell out completely but pushed pretty hard, very tough on the grip at the end, I did 25 unbroken to start, tried to focus on good triple extension throughout. Ben gave some good pointers on grip position and highlighted importance of getting hips fully open, not pulling too soon with arms